Unfortunately, as soon as the withdrawal process is initialized, there is no ability to change which wallet it is sent to. StormX holds no wallet keys. Please make sure that you double-check your wallet address before withdrawing.
Unfortunately, as soon as the withdrawal process is initialized, there is no ability to change which wallet it is sent to. StormX holds no wallet keys. Please make sure that you double-check your wallet address before withdrawing.
Dear admin,
my xapo email is nidihasir69@gmail.com, not rsahidin69@gmail.com; that was expire
thank you verymuch
Dear admin I am trying to withdrew but its the bolts amount shown again in my app acciunt again after few minuts withdrew not done please help.
Harap bantu untuk email coinbase saya. Sudah lebih dari 48 jam withdraw tidak masuk
Email coinbase saya galihpermana551@gmail.com
Dear admin,
Me didn't notice that storm no more support Coinbase BTC wallet. I've withdraw my coins to Coinbase BTC wallet and suddenly me realise you no more sent it to Coinbase BTC wallet. Can I get back my coins?
Pls help me sir. My Coinbase email kkhairol@gmail.com
Как я могу узнать хеш транзакции
The only way to track payment is to check the transaction details in the app and match it with your wallet transactions.
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